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This is Dimora Monsignore’s website. It’s not always about the ‘room’. It’s about the special stories of moments and good memories. A picture is worth a thousand words.
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Dimora Monsignore b&B

Dimora Monsignore B&B

Il sogno di un’accoglienza semplice costruita tra il colore e il profumo della mia famiglia: di lenzuola bianche stese al sole, dalla mia mamma, per un letto morbido e profumato per gli ospiti.

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Living the dream of running a B&b

… where colours and fragrances of my own family come to life: crisp  white linen, hung out in the Italian sun by “mamma” make up for a soft and scented bed for guests; fresh fruit pastries at breakfast baked by my wife, ever passionate to share her family recipes; that heavenly smell of fresh ground coffee oozing from the coffee pot that permeates the kitchenette from early morning; and last but not least the rustling of the pages of my children’s books, who loose themselves in the depths of learning  and  the delights of music.

This is essentially us.  We take pleasure in inviting you  to savor this atmosphere and more.

“As long as you bring a dream in the heart, you’ll never miss the meaning of life”Mahatma Gandhi
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